processors – Request preprocessors and postprocessors

Preprocessor are functions that get called before a instance is returned / modified / deleted / created. Similiar postprocessors are called after the event directly before the output is returned.

The preprocessor / postprocessor keyword argument of the create_api_blueprint method is a dictionary of method name to function.

The keyword argument model is a wrapper around the the sqlalchemy instance for the blueprint. Handler is the blueprint class itself.

processors.preprocessors – Request preprocessors

Modifing the following keywords inplace changes the behaviour of the called method:

This is a list of ids for which instance gets modified.

For example a call to GET /api/person/1 would call get_single with instance_id = [‘1’]

filters:The extracted list of filters from the request as alchemy filters. Add or remove of filters will modify the instances that gets affected. You can use :func:tornado_restless.wrapper._is_ordering_expression if you want to distinguish between a real filter and a order_by clause
data:Dictionary of the fields that get applied.
Additonal Arguments:
model:Wrapper around the sqlalchemy model for this blueprint Supports a bunch of helping functions
handler:The BaseHandler blueprint instance


def prepare(model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called for any request """


def get(search_params: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called for a GET request """

def get_single(instance_id: list, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called on a single GET request """

def get_many(filters: list, search_params: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called on a many GET request """


def post(search_params: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called for a POST request """

def post_single(data: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called on a single POST request """


def delete(search_params: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called for a DELETE request """

def delete_single(instance_id: list, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called on a single DELETE request """

def delete_many(filters: list, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called on a many DELETE request """


def patch(search_params: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called for a PATCH request """

def patch_single(instance_id: list, data: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called on a single PATCH request """

def patch_many(filters: list, data: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called on a many PATCH request """

To hold the processing raise any exception in the function. If you want to set the returned a status code and a somehow meaningfull error message use tornado.web.HTTPError or a subclass. For example for a general authentification layer you could use somewhat similiar to:

def check_auth(model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler, **kw):

    # Get the current user
    current_user = handler.current_user

    # Check for authorisation
    if not is_authorized_to_modify(current_user, model):
         raise HTTPError(status_code=401, log_message='Not Authorized')

manager.create_api(Person, preprocessor=dict(prepare=[check_auth]))

Queries without an instance_id are translated to a search according the filters/orders parameters of “q”. If you want for example always to return your elements in ascending order you can add an GET_MANY preprocessor:

def order_asc(filters: list, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler, **kw):

    # Apply the asc filter

manager.create_api(Person, preprocessor=dict(get_many=[order_asc]))

processors.postprocessors – Request postprocessors

Modifing the following keywords inplace changes the behaviour of the output


The dictionary representation of the output bevour JSON encoding but after flatten.

Additonal Arguments:
model:Wrapper around the sqlalchemy model for this blueprint Supports a bunch of helping functions
handler:The BaseHandler blueprint instance


def on_finish(model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called after any request """


def get(result: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called after a GET request """


def post(result: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called after a POST request """


def delete(result: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called after a DELETE request """


def patch(result: dict, model: ModelWrapper, handler: BaseHandler):
    """ Called after a PATCH request """